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Why 125f11

Why this website

Photography has the extraordinary power to capture a life moment which would otherwise just be a faint recollection in our memory. Every time we look at a photograph we experience once again the moment and the emotion of shooting that picture.

125f11 is a site of images that they want to describe and tell the world we live in, so no image has been subjected to processing likely to misrepresent reality.


All picture are taken by Stefano Gazzoli
For any questions or suggestions please send an
email, possibly in Italian or English.


Why the name 125f11

On a nice sunny day if you set the shutter speed to 1/125  with 100 ISO sensitivity, you will almost always have a diaphragm of  f11.  The exposure time of 1/125 also usually helps prevent accidental vibration, and f11 is an intermediate aperture for most optics usually mounted on reflex cameras. This is an optimal compromise in order to have a discrete depth of field and good sharpness. So happy "125f11" to everybody…

 This easy rule was extremely helpful when digital cameras did not exist and it was not possible to check the photo on the display. Therefore the so-called “sunny 16 rule”  was used. As a matter of fact it is f11, because when using negative film it is common to overexpose: “exposing for shadows”.
The rule was very common in the 60s and 70s, when a lightmeter wasn’t on every camera, so  
the exposure was evaluated in an empirical way.


The Author

Stefano Gazzoli

My name is Stefano Gazzoli I was born in Brescia Italy in 1970. In 1995, after graduating in engineering, I bought the first reflex camera: a mythical Yashica108. Soon after I decided to join the friends of GruppoIseoImmagine from whom I learned everything in photography. Initially I took the Franciacorta area which is a province of Brescia, where I live. In particular, I have dedicated to portraying rail Brescia Edolo and the territory it traversed. Some travel in Europe and the world allowed me to photograph other railroads, other landscapes and the people who live in those places.

Since 1998, I use Canon cameras and lenses with Fuji films.  In 2007 I started taking pictures in digital.

In September 2009 I opened my personal photo website





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